27 July 2024


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World of Warcraft Gold Making Scams Revealed

5 min read
World of Warcraft Gold Making Scams Revealed

Wouldn’t be nice to be able to diary on to see you havejust THOUSANDS of gold in your bags. Knowing that you can buy virtuallyanything in the AH, keeping up with the voguish equipment, while yourfriends drool I would! I’m tired of watching all my mate brag aboutthe existing brace of melancholy swords for their knave or worse, not being ableto secure my chronicle mount God that sucks! I would much moderately be outplaying in Azeroth somewhere instead of glued to my screen with mymule, juggling the AH

World of Warcraft Gold Making Scams Revealed

World of Warcraft Gold Making Scams Revealed

Wouldn’t be nice to be able to notebook on to see you havejust THOUSANDS of gold in your bags Knowing that you can buy virtuallyanything in the AH, keeping up with the existing equipment, while yourfriends drool I would! I’m tired of watching all my companion brag aboutthe modern couple of blue swords for their rogue or worse, not being ableto obtain my romance mount. God that sucks! I would much fairly be outplaying in Azeroth somewhere instead of glued to my screen with mymule, juggling the AH

You’ve observed them on blogs, message boards, and relatives selling ebooks about it. They all speak the equivalent object – “How to make a billions of gold using my guide”. Ya right! I can tell you remedy now, that 99% of these kinsfolk and their guides are fraudsYou may hold fallen prey to these “.make a million gold”ebooks and guides Me too! I’ve bought so many of these so calledguides that I can’t even recognize how many. I don’t comprehend why I doctor tothink that these guys understand what they’re utterance about, and I was soldby these marketing ploys juncture and case again, even after being burntby another!! Finally, after so many disappointments, I got FED UP. Idecided to attain to the ship of this fascination we all obtain with thegold forming guides, and nd out if there really were any LEGITIMATEguides out there for forming gold.

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Iliterally contacted the source of every gold moulding list I could ndPosing as a reviewer (which I am), I managed to convince the authorsthat I was seriously interested in purchasing their guide(s) But firstI wanted to contact some of the kin they listed on their site as”Satisfied Customers”, and as well as earn a insignificant ration of the guideitself to assessment it for review, and to make sure that those folks areREALLY satisfied. This was tricky because it took some juncture to getreplies back (if at all) However, some ACTUALLY gave me a flawless copy inhopes that with my learning of the “competitors” guides, I could tradethem ideas Well, I was disgusted with 99% of what I found First off,once it was established I wasn’t some scammer, none of the “SatisfiedCustomers” education were legit Not surprising since this was an oldploy used by many website advertisers However, there were absolutely a fewthat WERE legit, but they were void letters. Some were sent in monk BC!I managed to gain a reply back from two dozen of the 96 emails (notcounting fake and no longer latest emails) Many of the authors ofthe catalogue I spoke too (lots were fair 16yrs expired to 19yrs old) actuallyboasted about how many kin they could get to buy their uselessguides I repeatedly found:

  • Guides that own not been updated since Burning Crusade (i.e Burning Crusade is not even covered in the guides)
  • The links to their support site and further graphics or cd links posses either errors, or originate a 404 error
  • Some go as far as to boldly make you click on another unite for the REAL secret, which in some of the guides, charge supplementary money!
  • no legitimate email support – and the ones that do, can only vaguely gloss you, usually with responses like “. really? thats never happened to me evaluation the forums to see if anyone else ran into that”
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Iquickly realized that these so-called Gold Making Guides were totallyuseless And the authors knew it, yet they were laughing all the manner tothe bank! Needless to say, I didnt respond when authors would ask, howwas it, or the ones who sublet me use half the index and wanted to understand ifI would like to purchase the fresh half Even when they emailed measking how is the review coming along, did I not grant them thesatisfaction of a response. Surprisingly, while sifting through all ofthe scam guides, I was actually able to identify a team of individualsthat actually had actual guides

Theauthors were every day folks like you and me that found a fashion to makeextra gold feeble and without some idiosyncratic grinding means or scammingplayers with dumb tricks (these methods were used heavily in a heap ofguides I read) The guides were impressive and well written (not somelame pdf string that the kids wrote with), with a profit amount of qualityinformation on how to crank out a few 1,000gp while idle maintaing anenjoyable gaming enviroment I even chatted with a few of theircustomers (wouldn’t you know, all the emails were legit, so I only hadto study about a dozen) through emails, and they veried that they weremaking a goodly amount of gold, impartial like the guides verbal and some evenwent so far as to talk that the authors were unbefitting cutting themselvesbecause with those techniques, some were creation incredible amounts Itwas like I found a few diamonds in the grating There was one inparticular that REALLY stood out. I put the fit under See what youthink

They are real authors,and professional, and solution your emails in a timely manner, which isto be expected for any TRUE authors who are dedicated to helpingyou make gold (or merit if you posses a leveling guide). Very Friendly!Anyway, if you do decide you are interested in the guide, I put a linkto it at the craft

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Well,my seeking for pure Gold Making Guide has come to an end I haveto natter I was thoroughly disappointed with most of what I found, and Istrongly tell that you do not take chances buying ANY of the guides,other than possibly the one listed below! Whatever you do, jolly leveling,and interest luck with the Lich King O and guard out for gnome – sneakybast ds

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