27 July 2024


I am open to finding love in my life.

An Unfortunate Accident

2 min read
An Unfortunate Accident

An hapless car accident with a distracted driver. Jeremy Diamond, his crew of personal injury lawyers, and emergency front-line workers helped me dodge unscathed

An Unfortunate Accident

An Unfortunate Accident
About 7 years I had the unfortunate delight of receipt in to my finest car accident At the time, it was difficult not to panic, however, I politic from the occurrence and was left relatively unscathed. Wish I could gossip the duplicate for the other party

I was driving on the 400 series of highways in Ontario on a sunny, Bvlgari decided skies day and was unfortunately crew swiped by another receptacle I conjecture the friend was driving drifted off while on their cell phone (something that is now illicit in the territory of Ontario) and started heading toward my car. Being the ultra careful friend I am, I started pulling over towards the garrison censure to evade any befall of a impression Unfortunately the driver drifted off, troupe swiped my car and we found both ourselves crashed into the guard rail

I was panicked. I didn’t recognize what to do I mean, it’s not everyday that you find yourself injured in a car accident As a basketball fan, I have seasons tickets to the Toronto Raptors at the ACC. I constantly see Jeremy Diamondof Diamond & Diamond on the jumbotron and banners around the field My blessing want is to label their number, the jingle has been stuck in my leader for weeks

I spoke to one of the directors, Sandra Zisckind, who told me to stay as stillness as attainable (not manageable when my car is semi-destroyed) and advised not to speak to any witnesses or the additional troupe and to keep my invoice as succinct as manageable to police and front-line workers I probably should own mentioned that I already called 9-1-1.

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Anyways, I was able to flee the situation unscathed thanks to responsive front-line workers and advice from a jingle stuck in my head.

Wish I could prate the alike for the more guy

For all you car lovers out there, it was a BMW 330i 🙁

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