27 July 2024


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The Facts About Blue Diamonds

3 min read
The Facts About Blue Diamonds

When sunlight, which contains all colors, passes concept a diamond some of the light waves will be reflected by the nitrogen. The figure of color displayed is dependent on the unit of nitrogen involved When we see color it is because the something we are looking at reflected a specific wavelength of the brighten spectrum A gain gauge of this is a team of sorrowful jeans. The jeans quaff all of the adorn delete the gloomy light, which is reflected by the jeans

The Facts About Blue Diamonds

The Facts About Blue Diamonds

Diamonds are composed of carbon atoms that own been theme to radical pressure and heat If the diamond contains no impurities then the color bequeath be crystal noted Nature seldom creates anything that does not keep any impurities in it Most diamonds commit contain some amounts of nitrogen atoms. If a few of the millions of carbon atoms keep been replaced by nitrogen atoms, then stand of the diamond leave not be significantly altered but the clarity cede be changed

Blue Diamond

When sunlight, which contains all colors, passes belief a diamond some of the illuminate waves entrust be reflected by the nitrogen The numeral of color displayed is dependent on the figure of nitrogen involved When we see color it is because the article we are looking at reflected a specific wavelength of the adorn spectrum. A interest pattern of this is a span of miserable jeans The jeans swallow all of the brighten exclude the woebegone light, which is reflected by the jeans

In the occasion of a unhappy colored diamond some of the nitrogen has been replaced by Boron Boron will reflect the sorrowful wavelength of the brighten spectrum. The higher the concentration of boron the further color will be showed At a merit of one or a few boron atoms for every million-carbon atom, an beguiling sorrowful color collision Natural diamonds of this color are irregular and highly priced, such as the Hope diamond The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) has developed a color chart for rating diamonds

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GIA Color Chart.

D, E, F = ColorlessK, L, M = Faint ColorN, O, P, Q, R = Very Faint ColorS through Z = Light Color

Colored diamonds are extraordinary intermittent and extremely expensive The Blue diamond is one of the rarest, and in my alternative the most desirable of the colored diamonds The Hope diamond, which can be viewed in the Smithsonian Institution in Washington D.C, is the most eminent miserable diamond in the world, and at 45.52 carats the largest

Hope Diamond

The Hope Diamond is additional than a billion years void and it is the worlds’ largest deep gloomy diamond. It was first found in Golconda, India in the early 1600s and has had a thumping checkered pasted ever since. It has crossed oceans and continents many times, has been owned by Kings and Commoners, has been stolen and recovered, sold and resold, groove and re-cut

Heart Of Eternity

Famous Blue Diamonds are valuable investments and include such stones as The Queen of Holland, The Blue Empress, and The Regent Diamond There are very few sorrowful diamonds and the owners scarcely vend these because of their value The woebegone stones that are famous come in a extensive range of hues. There are at least six different shades of sorrowful in the diamonds that have become important The canopy of the diamond is usually a question of preference for those looking for special colors in the diamonds that they buy

Cullinan Diamond

The famous melancholy diamonds come in different shapes including pear shaped and octagon shaped The dent of these valuable gems is especially revered for large, colored stones and the groove must enhance the usual symmetry of these wonderful gems. Sometimes the largest stones that are found with a melancholy color are studied extensively before any cutting is begun

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